LongTALES for shortTAilS “Lancie’s Lessons by Letter” & Tales 4 Through 7

The Last 4 Tales of A Children’s Short Story Collection of 7 Total Tales

The following four (4) short stories are the last of my “LongTALES for ShortTAILS” collection of seven (7) stories involving stories concocted from family members and personal characters I experienced in my growth experience while moving into adulthood and marriage. I am so proud to say I grew up in Compton, California and had one of the richest childhoods one could ever imagine. My greatest asset was to remember in my mind many childhood experiences; expand and explore these experiences; lock them in the back of my memory; and, finally, to expose them to the rest of the world. Following is the exposing. I just hope you like my stories – but more importantly – can relate to them.

This fourth and final addition of my “LongTALES for ShortTAILS” short-story collection is dedicated to my first grandson, Lance Giovanni Filer. “Lil Gio” could easily be many of the kid characters mentioned in the following stories. Enjoy!

Word Food for Doods

If women can have a chick lit genre, what about a “dood food” happy hour? Word Food for Doods is a “guy’s night out” buffet comprised of three short stories, two funky one-act plays, and two essays that sprout about important men banes. In addition, there are twenty-three eye-popping illustrations. Women? These stories will help you understand our warped minds. These stories will enthral both sexes. Enjoy padners!

Duncan & the Chocolate Bar

The year is 2050. The space shuttle to the moon has been a reality since 2030. There have been scientists, explorers, politicians, entertainers, and celebrities. Just about every type of scientific type person has been or has plans to go to the moon, but no ordinary people have been included. Black, white, brown, or yellow, no regular ordinary people have been to the moon. Finally, in 2050, the USA government has decided it is time to send some regular folks to the moon. A contest was held to pick three lucky souls to be sent to the moon. Each person selected could also bring a friend. And the best part is that the government claims once the lucky winners get to the moon, there would be a surprise waiting for them.

Young Duncan (Dunk) Sylers, eleven years old and from the city of Compton, California, enters the contest. You guessed it. Dunk wins and decides to take his younger cousin Drew on the exploration of a lifetime. Follow along as Duncan, Drew, and the other winners (including a wannabe hippie who brings his parrot as his guest as well as an aging actress and her equally washed up boyfriend) travel toward the moon. Do they succeed? You’ll have to read the book.

Ms. Missy

Ms. Missy: Bishop’s First Dog Longtale #2 is a true story concerning my family’s first pet—Ms. Missy the diva dog!

Follow along as Bishop, oldest child of the Morrow household, learns the ins and outs of owning and taking care of a dog. Bishop has daily duties of feeding and caring for Ms. Missy, bathing her in the Morrow backyard with younger siblings, Maxine and Kelvin, and training Missy in the ways of the pet and human world. Time passes as both Missy and the Morrow family grows with additional kids. One day, Missy disappears, and young Bishop feels it is his fault because he scolded Missy too hard. Bishop feels terrible and fears she has run away for good. When Missy is finally found, she has a surprise of a lifetime for the Morrow family!

FastJack Robinson

Fastjack was coming to spend the summer with his grandrabbits—Grandpaw and Grandmaw Robinson, in Bunny Junction. Fastjack Robinson had moved to Hare City but always loved coming back home to visit his beloved grandrabbits as well as his childhood friends, House Mouse and Stooley the Pigeon.

After a big welcome-home supper of carrot stew and rabbit tea, Fastjack was informed by the squeaky-voiced House Mouse that the notorious, mischievous Grabbit Rabbit was wreaking havoc in Bunny Junction by stealing pies and other carrot items from the families in Bunny Junction.

Little did the Grabbit Rabbit know that, like a young Jackie Robinson, Fastjack Robinson was the fastest rabbit in the world! Somebody in Bunny Junction had to stop the notorious Grabbit Rabbit. So Stooley, House Mouse, Grandpaw, and Grandmaw devised a plan to catch the Grabbit Rabbit. It’s Fastjack to the rescue!

Square Squire and the Journey to DreamState: Squared Version 2.0 for Teens and Young Adults

Square Squire and the Journey to DreamState: Squared Version 2.0 for Teens and Young Adults is part fact/part fiction — I’ll just call it “faction.” The first part of the book is pretty much “fact,” with Squire reliving the author’s(mine) recollections of growing up in the great city of Compton, California. The book then weaves in and out of fact and fiction as Squire’s imagination begins to take over.

Although the main character in the book is an only child (writer’s prerogative to enhance the idea that Squire was a loner and thus the reason for his day-dreaming), I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my real parents and my six siblings, who I love dearly, and contributed to the author’s sense of wild imagination that led him to write this book.

Square Squire and the Journey to Dreamstate

Square Squire and the Journey to Dream State, my 394-page, 96,729-word novel is a semiautobiographical story of growing up geeky in the last innocent time when all the basketball players had hopes and none of the gangs had guns.

Squire Brooks is a precocious nerd whose only awareness of the transitions in his neighborhood of Compton, California, in the ’60s is the opportunity to chuck stones at the increasing number of For Sale signs in the yards of his white neighbors. His father’s deepening involvement in civil rights creates increasing chaos in his home where Squire writes his short stories and daydreams. Adolescence brings peer-driven lessons about girls, puberty, girls, bullies, and girls as he navigates the temptations during his elementary, junior high, and high school years.

Squire’s daydreaming has developed into an imaginative mechanism that frees his mind from all the chaos and allows him to escape to a dream state whenever he writes. After graduating from high school and on a road trip with his dog, Julius, Squire meets Octavia Steves, who teaches him that his dream state is actually a form of meditation that could help him become the writer of his dreams.

The Legend of Diddley Squatt

Sometime during the middle of the twentieth century, a black child is born in Rundown City, Mississippi, to rundown parents. After Diddley Squatt’s sixteen-year-old mother splits the scene and leaves him in the care of his grandmother, Momma Squatt, Diddley settles into a new life within her three-story hotel/brothel, the Copp-A-Squatt Inn.

As he grows older and is nicknamed Young Didd, the boy is unfortunately bullied because of his unusual name and life circumstances. Luckily Diddley develops a thick skin and learns that love is better than hate, thanks to the nurturing, lessons, and mentoring provided by his grandmother and the strong ladies who, along with a goo-gaggle of inn customers that include famous musicians, soldiers on leave, and politicians, visit the brothel. While on his unique coming-of-age journey, Diddley also uncovers the mystical powers behind a magical harmonica that allow him to bond with creatures who he never imagined could become his best friends and who could somehow lead him to a new destiny.

The Baby Boomers First-Hand, First-Year Guide to Retirement

Ever wonder what really happens that first year after you retire? I’m talking about the day-to-day emotions, feelings, projects, questions, anxieties….the ups and downs of this very important next step in one’s life after some 25/30/35/40 years of formal work?

Well, The Baby Boomers First-Hand, First-Year Guide to Retirement…..365 Days of Bliss(???!!!)or Diss (not???!!!) could provide some insight for those recently retired or contemplating retirement. This 365 day (from January 17, 2013 to January 17, 2014) daily journal allows the reader to follow along as I experience the chores, the life; the new budgeting, the wife – the questions, the emotions; some answers and hopefully some solutions. “First-Hand” is an easy-to-read/fast page turner; a humorous collection of thoughts and stuff……..it does not hit you over the head with heavy retirement questions regarding pensions or 401(k) requirements; or statistics such as inflation projections, investment facts, tax shelters, financial formulas, etc… My book is simply a personal essay of my first 365 days of retirement, featuring real names and real people. Included are personal pictures and anecdotes of my 2013 journey that sheds light on the everyday minutia of retired life.